
Omni Interactions Launches Revolutionary GigCX Platform – The Omniverse

First-of-its-kind GigCX Platform with AI and Automation to deliver consistent, reliable, high-quality customer service at scale

Denver, CO, July 27, 2023– Omni Interactions, a leader in AI-driven customer service solutions, today announced the launch of Omniverse, their GigCX platform that provides consistent, reliable, and high-quality customer service with automation. 

The Omniverse platform is designed to enable companies to quickly deliver CX solutions at scale. It combines automation and gig economy models to allow businesses to access the best talent more flexibly and cost-effectively than traditional outsourcers. 

By leveraging the power of AI, Omniverse automates mundane tasks and provides real-time feedback to gig workers on customer interactions. This allows Omni Interactions to provide superior customer experiences while optimizing operations. The platform also offers advanced analytics that enables teams to identify areas for improvement and optimize their CX strategies. 

“At Omni Interactions, we are committed to providing our customers with solutions that meet their unique needs,” said Co-CEO, Courtney Meyers. “Omniverse is a powerful platform that allows us to quickly and reliably deliver high-quality customer service. We are excited to be introducing this technology to the market and believe it will revolutionize the way businesses interact with their customers.” 

Key Business Advantages of the Omniverse: 

  • On-Demand – Launch new gig workers and programs in weeks instead of months
  • Effortlessly Scale – Add and remove workers to precisely staff for variable call volumes
  • Reduce Operating Expenses – Use AI and automation to streamline work to reduce delivery costs 

The Omniverse is the backbone of Omni Interactions’ gig worker delivery strategy,” said Kabir Bazliel, Chief Digital Officer at Omni Interactions. “The Omniverse empowers gig workers with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities they require to deliver outstanding service to our clients’ customers.” 

Omniverse is available now for businesses looking to deliver customer experiences that exceed expectations and drive business growth. To learn more about Omniverse, please visit our website. 

Explore the Power of the Omniverse

About Omni Interactions 

Winner of Outsource Provider of the Year, Pandemic Tech Innovation of the Year, and finalist for CCW BPO of the Year and CCW Workforce Innovation of the Year, Omni Interactions is the fastest-growing BPO in the US ranking #341 on the Inc. 5000. Its winning strategy is comprised of a unique business model utilizing remote brand ambassadors and AI-powered cloud-based technology to provide on-demand, scalable, omnichannel customer experience at a 25%+ lower cost. Frost & Sullivan analyst, Michael DeSalles stated “Omni Interactions solves many of today’s current CX challenges with an innovative business model that combines automation with people-based support.” 

If you’re ready to reduce your costs, build capacity, and delight your customers, get in touch today.