
Is your W@H workforce falling short in these 5 areas?

Many companies have elected to utilize home-based teams for sales and customer support. But just having agents connected from home doesn’t mean they are maximizing productivity.

Companies that are applying traditional, brick-and-mortar thinking to their work@home customer support will quickly discover this isn’t a sustainable approach.

Watch the recorded webinar!
Omni’s Chief Revenue Officer, David Parkhurst a 20-year veteran of work-at-home, shares the most important areas of focus to advance your at-home delivery.

If you’ve sent your customer service and sales agents home to work you can’t afford to miss this event!

David offers guidance on:

  1. Creating an “at-home-first” strategy
  2. Broadening the scope of your selection (where & who & how)
  3. Designing training to support this workforce remotely
  4. Executing a more fluid operational model
  5. Reducing your dependence on hardware and capital expense

Who is Omni?

  • Omni connects the nation’s top brands with gig workers to provide sales and customer support.
  • We attract and match the best people across North America to our clients’ unique requirements within our secure digital marketplace.
  • Omni elevates the customer service experience in how we engage, support and compensate our Gig Brand Ambassadors.

The leadership team at Omni pioneered the work at home model more than 20 years ago to enhance flexibility, lower costs and access exceptional talent.

Learn how Omni is again revolutionizing the model and how we can work together to better support your customers.

If you’re ready to reduce your costs, build capacity, and delight your customers, get in touch today.