
US-Based Onshore Outsourcing And Customer Service Solutions

Benefits of Onshore Outsourcing?

Domestic outsourcing can be extremely cost-effective and allow you to focus on your core business. Onshore outsourcing is a great solution for companies looking to provide customer service that meets their compliance standards while also providing stellar customer satisfaction. With onshore outsourcing, workers are based in the US, so all customer data remains in the US and is subject to US regulations.

Additionally, customers have the benefit of communicating with US-based workers who are familiar with cultural nuances, making it easier for them to understand customer needs and provide better service. There are also no time-zone issues, and all workers are working the same hours your customers are calling your contact centers.

Save Big with Onshore Outsourcing

Think you need offshore outsourcing to save big on customer experience costs? Think again! Omni Interactions has a proprietary business model using gig workers, precision staffing, and innovative technology to save clients 25-55% on customer experience operating expenses. The gig model attracts highly qualified workers while drastically reducing costs. AI and automation processes help to streamline our gig workers’ day-to-day so they can focus on providing excellent customer service.

75,000 Gig Workers On-Demand

We’re proud of our growing community of high-quality gig workers who represent you across email, text, phone, chat, and social. Omni approaches hiring differently to provide the broadest and deepest options for the best cultural fit to engage your customers and contribute to your mission and vision. Our ongoing digital learning process ensures a consistent understanding of skills, knowledge, and processes to support you with efficiency and excellence.

US labor costs are higher than in nearshore and offshore locations due to the cost of living, but with gig workers, you only pay for productive hours. You also receive workers with a higher level of education. 80% of Omni Interactions’ gig workers have a college education. This means quicker time to certifications, less attrition, reduction in average handle time, and more!

Scalability and Flexibility

Omni Interactions has the most scalable and flexible onshore call center solutions available with the ability to ramp thousands of gig workers in weeks. Specialized in seasonality, intraweek, and intraday call volume spikes, Omni Interactions can effortlessly ramp up and down workers to fit your exact needs. With 30-minute shifts and a network of over 75,000 gig workers, we deploy precision staffing so you are never overstaffed or understaffed.

Not Your Old-School BPO Solution

Omni Interactions approaches outsourced customer support differently. Instead of focusing on headcount, we are committed to reducing the staff needed through AI and Automation, therefore saving our clients money. We partner with only the most innovative and flexible technology partners to streamline operations and make our gig workers more efficient.

If you’re ready to reduce your costs, build capacity, and delight your customers, get in touch today.