
What people say about contracting with Omni Interactions

Great Company for side work. Lots of different opportunities, you won't get bored They will take you off a project with no notice
Training went great. My instructor was amazing and incredibly patient and thorough.
Flexible job You could set your own schedule; they provided training for the campaign and supervisors notified the team when there were new internal opportunities. Pay rate might be low depending on where you live.
What is the best part of working at the company? Making your own hours, THE SUPERVISORS ARE AWESOME

What is the most stressful part about working at the company? Haven’t experienced real stress here yet.

What is a typical day like for you at the company? Laid back and relaxed. High volume days are more fun than the low volume days
Overall, an okay company to work for Flexible schedule, Weekly Pay, Incentives on occasion.
I can truly say that the experiment thus far has wowed me. They showed a lot of patience to make sure that I am on my way to completing my goals.
GBA salary Very flexible. Could choose 30-minute shifts with the client. Limited opportunities to choose shifts.

"This one if not THE greatest place I've worked for and with before

I am a single dad, mid 30's, I was looking for a place where I could for once have my own hours and decide on how many and for how long I wanted to work, you know that Unicorn place where you were really your own boss, stumble a couple of places where that was the promise but those conditions were in fact never delivered, then I found Omni."
Ethan Hayes
Posted on Better Business Bureau
"I have been there over a year and looove it... i am on an amazing team. Everyone was very easy to work with. The team leader and the management team and payroll ppl they are so nice and friendly... it's great... even training was stress free.. i think the only downside to Omni is only being able to work one project which i do understand. There are some with weekend and evening hours and holiday as well that would be great to work when this one is closed lol"
Brielle Lewis
Posted on Facebook