AI-Powered Outsourced Customer Service

We are a Business Process Outsourcer that connects specifically selected remote brand ambassadors with the nation's leading brands to deliver tailored, cost-effective, and flexible customer experience solutions

Organizations Across the Country Rely on Omni
Remote Brand Ambassador Network
0 K
Total Client Cost Savings
0 %
Reduction in Average Handle Time
0 %
Less Certification Time
0 %
Reduction in Full-Time Employees
0 %

Access to ongoing talent pool, streamlined launch process, fast knowledge transfer, flexible technology and security, easy pricing and terms.

Proprietary sourcing that attracts highly skilled customer service representatives from around the globe.

AI and automation to deflect low-value interactions, empower and assist customer service representatives, personalize CX, and save our clients’ money. 

Revolutionize Your Customer Service Today

Omni Delivers Results


Cost Savings Verified by Industry Analyst

"Omni Interactions solves many of today's current CX challenges with an innovative business model that combines automation with people-based support"

Michael DeSalles

Michael DeSalles

Principal Analyst
Frost & Sullivan

What Our Customers Think

If you’re ready to reduce your costs, build capacity, and delight your customers, get in touch today.